To contact the food bank and resource centre directly, call 778-516-0015.
Also view their Facebook page or website
Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre
Silent Auction at Summerland United
in support of the Resource Centre!
Such fun at the Friday evening Silent Auction to support the Summerland Food Bank and Resource Centre! Get a picture of what it was like as Murray Scheidl kept the bids flying and the guests put their money where their hearts were:
a one-stop information and help centre
for people in need in Summerland
The Summerland Food Bank & Resource Centre is active, with 64 volunteers lending a helping hand to our neighbours in Summerland.
Here are some of the things we accomplished last year:
We increased the number of service agencies that use our shared offices from 2 to 13.
We installed our new wheelchair lift, accessible washroom and laundry room thanks to Summerland United Church, Summerland Rotary Club and the Summerland Kin Club – and assistance from the federal government.
We achieved our first grant from the United Way, Central & South Okanagan, and received tentative approval for our second grant from the District of Summerland.
We have been coming up with a three-year strategic plan funded by the United Way and donated time from management consultant Ed Lalande.
From where we sit:
The need for the services of the Food Bank is increasing.
In 2015, we averaged 87 household appointments per month, up from 80 in the prior year, or 560 clients (385 adults and 175 children).
We are concerned that, if we do not soon see a significant increase in the minimum wage, welfare and disability payments, the demand for food will exceed our capacity to provide it. The last increase in welfare and disability benefit payments was in 2007.
What’s next?
An application to provide a step-in-cooler for non-frozen perishable items has been made to the Community Fund of the South Okanagan.